截面图 Section | 型号 Model | 规格 Specificationn/φmm | 单芯导体截面积 Each Crossec Areaφmm² | 20℃时导体最大直流电阻 Conductor'sMaxDCResistanceat20℃Q/km | 70℃时最小绝缘电阻 MinimumInsulating Resistanceat70℃MQ/km | 屏蔽密度 Shield Density % | 标称外径 Nom.0.D φmm |
![]() | DML220 | 20/0.12+SP+60/0.12铜丝绕包 | 0.22 | 92.3 | 0.015 | ≥95% | 6.0 |
DML380 | 34/0.12+发泡PE+SP+16x8/0.10铜丝编织 | 0.38 | 52.3 | 0.013 | ≥95% | 7.0 | |
DML750 | (2x0.5+6x7/0.10)+实心PE+SP+16x8/0.10铜丝编织 | 0.75 | 26 | 0.01 | ≥95% | 7.3 | |
DBT1100 | [2x(7x7/0.12)]+SP+16x8/0.10铜丝编织+睛纶丝编织 | 1.1 | 26 | 0.01 | ≥95% | 7.5 |
●此型号为电吉他电缆的标准形式。此型号线适用传输低频小信号用线连接,俗称吉他线,搭配芯线微泡技术来实现完美的屏蔽效果,使线材完美的达到低衰 减,降噪音,增加音源的动态范围,具有极高的音乐解析度,外护套为弹性体聚氯乙烯及高档透明弹性料,手感柔软,色彩鲜艳,耐扭曲,不脆化。(低温 冲击脆化温度可达-30℃)
●The Cable has stranded 4Noxygen-free copperas the coreconductor,which resistsoxidation,ensures high transmission rate andlowattenuation.
●Such cables are usedforthetransmission of iow frequency signals,when they are usuall called electric guitar cables Itwilbe very perfecto match with foamed
technology and the cable withlow atenuation,reduce noise,increase the dynamicrange of udio and music with high resolution.The elasticprotectivejackets are made
of polyvinylchloride and high-grade transparent elastic materialirghtolors which are sof,distortion endure,and hard to go bitle(britletemperature:-30℃)