截面图 Section | 型号 Model | 规格 Specificationn/φmm | 单芯导体截面积 EachCrossec Areaφmm² | 20℃时导体最大直流电阻 Conductor'sMaxDC Resistanceat20℃Q/km | 70℃时最小绝缘电阻 MinimumInsulating Resistanceat70℃M Q/km | 屏蔽密度 Shield Density % | 标称外径 Nom.0.D φmm |
发泡PE | SYV 75-2-2 | 1×7/0.8 | 75Q±3 | 0.22 | 0.579 | >90% | 2.9 |
SYV 75-3-2 | 发泡PE1x18/0.12+16x8/0.10 | 75Ω±3 | 0.122 | 0.38 | >90% | 5.0 | |
SYV 75-5-4 | 发泡PE1x28/0.12+16x7/0.10 | 75Ω±4 | 0.078 | 0.211 | >90% | 6.0 | |
实心PE | SYV 75-5 | 实心PE1x1/0.8+16x9/0.10 | 75Ω±3 | 0.030 | 0.095 | >95% | 7.1 |
SYV 75-7-1 | 1×1/1.7 | 75Q±3 | 0.020 | 0.064 | >95% | 10.2 | |
SYV 75-9-1 | 1×1/2.13 | 75Ω±3 | 0.016 | 0.052 | >95% | 12.1 |
●SYV 采用低损耗发泡处理,线芯导体采用单根或多根4N铜丝,屏蔽层采用铝泊或铜网编织,屏蔽密度高更适合固定安装。(低温冲击脆化温度可达-30℃)
●The cables have stranded 4Noxygenfree copperas thecore conductor,which resistsoxidation,ensureshigh transmissionrate and lowttenuation.
●The cables areto be usedfor the transmission of vide signals and have such eatures as strongshielding capabilty,stable characterist impedance,low attenuation and stable capacitance between wire and shield,all of which guarantee the effective transmission of video signals.
SYV cable,having gone through alowlossfoaming proces,has asingle 4Ncoper wire asits core conductorand aluminum foilplusbraided copperasits shield
so as to have a high shield density and be more suitable for fixed installation.(brittle temperature:-30℃