截面图 Section | 型号 Model | 规格 Specificationn/φmm | 单芯导体截面积 EachCrossec Areaφmm | 20℃时导体最大直流电阻 Conductor'sMaxDC Resistanceat20℃Q/km | 70℃时最小绝缘电阻MinimumInsulatingResistanceat70℃M Q/km | 屏蔽密度 Shield Density % | 标称外径 Nom.0.D φmm |
DMSP200 | 2x[(15/0.12锡丝+2/0.10A)+SP]+96/0.12 铜丝绕包 | 0.20 | 120 | 0.016 | >90 | 6.0 | |
DMSP220 | 2x[(26/0.10+2/0.10A)+SP]+96/0.12铜丝绕包 | 0.22 | 92.3 | 0.015 | >90 | 6.5 | |
DMSP310 | 2x[(37/0.10+2/0.10A)+SP]+128/0.10铜丝绕包 | 0.31 | 69.2 | 0.014 | >90 | 7.0 | |
DMSP380 | 2x[(45/0.10+2/0.10A)+SP]+128/0.10铜丝绕包 | 0.38 | 55.0 | 0.013 | >90 | 7.5 | |
DMSP500 | 2x[(28/0.15+2/0.10A)+SP]+144/0.10铜丝绕包 | 0.50 | 39.0 | 0.012 | >90 | 8.0 | |
YM220 | 2x(20/0.12+SP+45/0.10铜丝绕包) | 0.22 | 92.3 | 0.015 | >90 | 6.5 |
●此型号线适用传输低频小信号用线连接,俗称话简线,此型号通过2次屏蔽使线材屏蔽能力更强,外护套为弹性体聚氯乙烯,手感柔软,色彩鲜艳,耐扭曲, 不脆化。 (低温冲击脆化温度可达-30℃)
●The Cable has stranded 4Noxygen-fre copperwire asthe core conductor,which resistsoxidation,ensureshigh transmission rate and low attenuation.
●Such cable can be used forthe transmision o lowfrequency signals,whenthey are usually alled microphone cables.Thisitem with twiceshield,the cable shield
more stronger,The protective sheathsare made ofelastic polyinyiPVC)in brightolors which are sof,distortion endure,and hard to go brite(oritl temperature:-30℃)